Frequently Asked Questions
SokoPlus is a classified ads website where you can post a free ad to sell your stuff, find a job and people to work with, or find hot deals near you. It’s easy to use, fun, and totally free. However, your ad can gain more visibility when you promote it on our platform. We have unique and completely affordable promotion plans for you.
To begin using our platform, simply register for a free account by clicking on "My Account." Fill in your details and verify your email by click on the link sent your email. That's it.
Still, you can browse through and filter ads according to region or category without the need to sign in
After posting your ad, our moderation team will review carefully if the ad meets our standards; a proper title, a clear description of what you are selling, the price matches the item and images matches what you are selling.
Approval time for business hours is up to a maximum of 2 hours and outside working hours upto 8 hours excluding weekends.
Once your advert is live, you will receive a notification email from us.
If your advert is rejected, you will receive a notification from us with the reason why. Please edit your ad and re-submit it for approval.
All your adverts will be in your Seller Menu { Draft , Awaiting Approval, Online, Expired, Offline, Rejected}.
- Every ad must have a catchy, precise and attractive title .
- Begin each word in the title with a capital letter .
- Description should be interesting, unique and should capture all the details of the products you are selling .
- Phone numbers and urls should not be included in the description .
- Upload a good image that is not blurry .
- You can upload up to 15 images of a particular product on a single Ad .
- The phone number should not be included in the image .
- Adverts with no pictures will be rejected .
- Each item for sale must be posted separately . You cannot post several products within one Ad .
Rejected Ads
- do not post a product several times or duplicate ads, they will be rejected .
- This is compulsory but you can indicate in the description that the price is negotiable .
- The price should be reasonable, competitive and attractive to increase your chances of selling.
Buying on SokoPlus is easy.
1. Find what you're looking for by browsing through the categories in the left-hand navbar. You can filter ads by product category or by location
2. Once you find something you want to buy, click on it and go to that product page so see the product details and seller information.
3. Contact the seller via SMS WhatsApp, email or call them directly using the contact details provided by the seller.
4. Agree on price and terms and how you will get the product or services offered.
We highly encourage buyers to make payments once they have seen and they are satisfied with the product. When meeting strangers, we recommend you do so in a public place.
SokoPlus is NOT liable for any damages or loses that may arise during business transaction between sellers and buyers.
Support is available for all our customers.
If you have questions about how to use SokoPlus Classified Ads Website, please send us an email through our Contact Form .We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Don't worry! If your ad isn't approved, we'll email you with suggestions on how to improve it. If your ad is still not approved after you make the suggested changes, contact us through our Contact Form. And remember—we're always here to help!